El- Adl, A., Zaied, K., Kash, K., El Sayed, A., kamal, M. (2016). A Method to Determine Lethal and Sublethal Concentrations of Recombinant Bioinsecticides Derived from Bacillus thuringiensis Against Larvae of Spodoptera litura. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology, 7(6), 175-185. doi: 10.21608/jacb.2016.40801
A. El- Adl; K. Zaied; Kawther Kash; A. El Sayed; Mervat kamal. "A Method to Determine Lethal and Sublethal Concentrations of Recombinant Bioinsecticides Derived from Bacillus thuringiensis Against Larvae of Spodoptera litura". Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology, 7, 6, 2016, 175-185. doi: 10.21608/jacb.2016.40801
El- Adl, A., Zaied, K., Kash, K., El Sayed, A., kamal, M. (2016). 'A Method to Determine Lethal and Sublethal Concentrations of Recombinant Bioinsecticides Derived from Bacillus thuringiensis Against Larvae of Spodoptera litura', Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology, 7(6), pp. 175-185. doi: 10.21608/jacb.2016.40801
El- Adl, A., Zaied, K., Kash, K., El Sayed, A., kamal, M. A Method to Determine Lethal and Sublethal Concentrations of Recombinant Bioinsecticides Derived from Bacillus thuringiensis Against Larvae of Spodoptera litura. Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology, 2016; 7(6): 175-185. doi: 10.21608/jacb.2016.40801
A Method to Determine Lethal and Sublethal Concentrations of Recombinant Bioinsecticides Derived from Bacillus thuringiensis Against Larvae of Spodoptera litura
1Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Egypt.
2Water, Soil and Enviromental Researsh Institute, Agric. Researsh Center, Giza, Egypt.
The increased awareness of environmental pollution have led to the growing interests of the application of biological agents to control insects such as lepidopteran family .Thus , this study aimed to produce genetically improved bioinsecticide agents to be used to control Spodoptera litura which would be useful in reducing environmental pollution ,preventing resistance to bioinsecticides and for safe food production .Four Bacillus thuringensis strains were used as recipients ' while ' Seratia marcescens was used as a doner strain in the conjugation to induce new recombinants in Bacillus thuringiensis over expressed chitinase.Four matings were conducted in this study between Serratia marcescence and the four Bacillus thuringiensis strains which having opposite genetic markers.Two efficient transconjugants based on chitin hydrolysis on agar medium were selected from each conjugation to be evaluated for toxicites against the larvae of cotton leafworm in relation to their parents .The efficient LC50 was appeared by Tr4 ( 1.93 x105 ppm ) followed by Tr6 and Tr7 ( 2x105 ppm). However , more than 995% toxicity index was recorded by Tr4,Tr6 and Tr7. Higher toxicity index observed by these transconjugants may be the related to the overexpression of chitinase genes.Therefore , the lethal concentration values obtained was necessary to kill 50% of larval population from Spodoptera litura in a certain period .The virulence of Bt strains showed that a lower concentration from Tr4 was required to kill 100% of larval population .It must be pointed out that higher toxicity index obtained by transconjugants reflected the interaction between crystal genes from Bt and chitinase genes from Seratia marcescens which enhanced the possibility of larval mortality as a genetic helpful tool in integrated pest management in cotton fields.